Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Straight Outta Iowa

I like all kinds of music--punk, jazz, rock, whatever--but lately I've been listening to lots of rap. Sometimes I feel weird about it because I'm not very hip-hop looking, sounding, or acting. I first got into it in about '86-'89, through the Beastie Boys, N.W.A., Public Enemy, Kool Moe Dee, Whodini, Cool J, and Native Tongue groups like Jungle Brothers, Tribe Called Quest, and especially De La Soul, who I still love today. I especially love sampling--grabbing bits and pieces of other songs, sometimes very unfunky songs, and rearranging them and/or scratching them to make them funky. For example, De La Soul managed to sample such square groups as Hall and Oates and actually make them funky. Another thing I love is that rap has always valued free speech. Sometimes that involves saying things that are controversial or offensive, but it's a place where people can express themselves without limits. A lot of the resulting free speech I choose not to listen to because I think it's hateful and unnecessary--for example songs that express hatred for gay people and even advocate violence against them. On the other hand, some of that speech takes place in songs that are undeniably funky, like Ice Cube's "Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself." I do like that song even though I think some of the things he says in it are just wrong to say.

I mostly listen to music on iPod (or on vinyl or through the computer at home) but when I'm in a Zipcar, I get to check out what's current on PGC or KYS. I like when they have DJs (like Quicksilver) actually mixing, on the lunch hour or after work. Does anybody know what time those shows are on or whether I can get podcasts of them? Not only is it fun to hear the DJ mixing, but they play old stuff you don't usually hear on the radio. But sometimes I get self-conscious when I pull up to a stoplight with the bass bumping, and I turn it down so I don't look like the guy from Malibu's Most Wanted.There's a hip hop show on WPFW (88.9) every night at 11, but I'm usually sleeping.

I also love to go see live music at clubs, especially the Black Cat. I've hardly seen any hip-hop shows live at all. I mostly go see punk and indie bands from "back in the day" (and kids, my "back in the day" is BACK. in the DAY.) I last saw the Waco Brothers at Iota on my birthday over labor day weekend. They're a country-punk-commie band with songs about unions. It was an afternoon show, so I could get home for dinner with the family. Before that, I saw the Breeders at the 9:30 club. That's Kim and Kelley Deal, twin sisters from Ohio, one of whom was in the very successful 80s-90s alternative band The Pixies. The other is a former drug addict, and her sister taught her to play guitar to give her something to do, and now they're a band. That was great too. They just played again at the Black Cat, but I didn't go. It's just too hard right now with my daughter, plus I only get to really hang out with her on the weekend and I don't want to miss that time.


  1. wow i was kind of surprise to see that u listen to rap in somewhat a fan but its not my favorite type of music but it wasnt something i exspected from you (you cant judge a book by it cover)huh.

  2. i just uploaded the first 3 funk master flex mix cd's to the ipod. its all from the mid 90s but man, its so awesomesauce. odb, cube, de la, quest, krs, early jay z, epmd... i could go on. if you want to check them out let me know!

  3. Hey S2: MC/DC-- what's the next assignment. Really enjoying all the blogs everyone has been writing.

  4. Thanks for the offer, asstronaut... I will check them out on Rhapsody.
